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At May 13-14, 2004, Sumy regional committee of young people organizations (SRCYO) has conducted the public opinion poll among students of Sumy State University (SumSU), Sumy State Pedagogical University (SumSPU) and Sumy National Agricultural University (SNAU).

450 respondents were interrogated (150 in each of three mentioned universities)

Do you know about creation of SNU?
Answer options SumSUSumSPUSNAU
Yes 93%86.690.6
No 7%13.49.4
I am indifferent 0%00

Is it expedient to join Sumy universities?
Answer optionsSumSUSumSPUSNAU
I am indifferent12.62228

Do you agree with the statement that “Process of joining is performed transparently and publicly, the information is accessible for everybody”?
Answer options SumSU SumSPU SNAU
Completely agree 1.3 0 5.5
Rather agree 0 4.6 2.6
Rather disagree 21.3 37 40.6
Completely disagree 70.6 46 43.3
It is difficult to answer 6.6 13.3 8

How do you think, who may get profit from the joining of Sumy universities?
Answer options SumSU SumSPU SNAU
Students of Sumy universities 0.6 3.3 3.3
Rectors of these three universities 1.3 1.3 15.3
President of Ukraine 32.6 18 14
Rector of SNAU – A. Tsarenko 78.6 58.6 65.3
Regional State Administration 28 22 17.3
Everybody, except me 6 13.3 14.6
I am tired of everybody 7.3 8 11.3

Do the university administration put pressure upon you?
Answer options SumSU SumSPU SNAU
Because of my political activity 5.5 10 5.3
Because of my civil activity 8.6 8,7 3.3
Because of expression of my thoughts concerning activity of the administration 12.6 8 17.3
I was compelled to agitate for certain political forces 8 27.3 27.3
I felt no pressure from the administration 65.3 46 46.8

For which actions are you PERSONALLY ready to assert publicly your rights and to stop unlawful actions? (it was suggested to select several proper answers)
Answer options SumSU SumSPU SNAU
Write an appeal to the university administration 13.3 6 2.6
Complain to the parents 10.6 12.6 13.3
Present this information to mass media 18 20.6 27.3
Take part in the protest actions 57.3 43.3 25.3
Defend your rights juridically 16 14 18
I am ready for everything, by I fear of repression from the university administration 28 30.6 26.6
I will never struggle for my rights 2.6 6 2.6

Which mass media can impartially, honestly and transparently inform about public events in Sumy, including life of students? (it was suggested to select several proper answers)
Answer options SumSU SumSPU SNAU
State mass media (Regional TV, radio, newspapers "Sumschina", "Sumy and sumchane") 19.3 10 18.6
Private ("Dancor", "Panorama", "Vash Chance ") 39.3 56.6 44.6
FM-stations ("Vsesvit", "Hit", "Russian") 25.3 27.3 19.3
Party press 6.6 18.6 10
None of the listed 10 5.3 10.6
It is difficult to answer 4.7 3.2 3.4

If you have the opportunity, would you emigrate from the Ukraine?
Answer options SumSU SumSPU SNAU
Yes 58 45.3 58
No 24 28.1 19.4
It is difficult to answer 18 26.6 22.6

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